二零一一年一月十六日,尋道會與橄欖山(由聖公會牧師及前立法局議員馮智活牧師創辦)在馬丁路德金日前夕合辦「從馬丁路德金到今天香港民運」紀念聚會。 馬丁路德金(1929-1968)是美國黑人、牧師、博士、民權領袖、諾貝爾和平獎得主,以非暴力不合作運動,爭取種族平等,被捕三十次,並多次入獄,最後被刺殺身亡。美國定一月第三週一為馬丁路德金日,是全國公眾假期。 聚會當日,播放了短片介紹他的生平事跡,他扣人心弦之著名「我有一個夢」演說,及他的最後演說。在討論時段中,馮智活牧師分享了他對香港民主運動的一些獨到體會與見解: (一)馬丁路德金作為社運領袖最令人折服的氣質就是自我犧牲的精神。他的名句「如要犧牲,願那是我」和「可能要流血,但要流的是我們的血」,最令人敬佩。這難能可貴的精神是今天的民運領袖所應該響往與仰望的。馮牧師點名舉例說 Malcom X 及司徒華便具有此高貴特質。 (二)今天香港的民運缺乏一個清晰的中心。像馬丁路德金時的黑人人權問題,或零三年香港基本法廿三條立法時能號召五十萬人上街抗爭的,所有人都關心及願意為之付出的核心課題。 (三)今天香港民運在塑造議題上欠缺清晰。例如貧富矛盾,實在是一個嚴重而逼切的社會問題。但社運界未能簡單、清晰、有效地將此向香港市民解釋,於是未能凝聚關注,無法動員。 (四)香港民運界內部存在私心,互相利用,也欠缺求大同存小異之包容精神。不團結,又何來成功?從基督徒的角度看,香港民運界正急需一份愛鄰如己、無私奉獻的基督精神。 On January 16, 2011, the eve of Martin Luther King Day, Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong and the Mount of Olives (founded by Rev Fung Chi-wood, Anglican priest and former legislator) organized a memorial gathering titled "From Martin Luther King to the Democratic Movement of Hong Kong." Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr (15 Jan 1929 - 4 Apr 1968) was an American clergyman, a prominent leader in the African American civil rights movement, and Nobel Peace Prize winner. He is best known for the advancement of civil rights in the United States using nonviolent methods. He has been arrested for 30 times and finally got assasinated at an age of 39. King is a heroic leader in the history of modern American liberalism. The third Monday of January is the public holiday in USA devoted to Dr King. In our memorial gathering, short videos were shown of his life story, the famous gripping "I Have a Dream" speech, and his final speech "I've Been to the Mountaintop." During our discussion session, Rev Fung shared his incisive observations and reflections on the present situation of the democratic movement of Hong Kong: 1 The most admirable quality of Dr King is his spiritual quality, namely, the spirit of self sacrifice. "River of blood may have to flow before we gain our freedom," King addressed, "but it must be our blood." It is this noble spirit that today's democratic leaders in Hong Kong should aspire. Rev Fung named Malcom X and Szeto Wah among those rare examples who possess this remarkable spiritual quality. 2 A clear unifying central issue is lacking in the present democratic movement of Hong Kong. During the time of Martin Luther King, the terrible human rights conditions of African Americans in the United States served as a unifying issue. In Hong Kong, back in 2003, the impending national security legislation under Article 23 of the Basic Law had successfully recruited a massive half million demonstration. Such a central issue which could unify the spirit of Hong Kong citizens is now missing. 3 The present democratic movement in Hong Kong is unable to shape a focus to unify the attention of the public. For example, conflicts between the rich and the poor is a serious and pressing social problem. But the social movement sector has not been able to present a simple, clear, and effective message to the people to draw their interest and recruit them to action. 4 Self-interest is commonplace within the pro-democracy community of Hong Kong. They often utilize each other. Tolerance of different ideas is also lacking. Without unity, how can the democratic movement succeed? From the Christian point of view, the democratic movement of Hong Kong is in need of the spirit of love and the spirit of selfless giving of Jesus Christ.
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February 2022
AuthorAlex from UUHK |