Past Events 過去活動 2016
16 Dec 2016 (Fri)
UUHK joins
Green Glass Green Christmas Carolling
Time: 6:15pm-10:20pm
Place: gather at Southorn Playground, Wanchai
Green Glass Green Christmas Carolling
Time: 6:15pm-10:20pm
Place: gather at Southorn Playground, Wanchai
10 Dec 2016 (Sat)
UUHK Humanist Group talk
Mythology of Christmas
Organizer: Humanist Group of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong
Time: 2:30pm-4pm
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mongkok Rd
Speaker: Jason Sylvester
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc: 6898 8406
A brief background on the origins of Christmas, and how it has evolved into what we know today. Jason will not just talk about where the symbols like the Christmas tree come from, but go all the way back to the beginning, on why Christians think Jesus is God, and how/where things have spun out of control.
Writer and amateur historian Jason Sylvester has been a featured author in Time Out Hong Kong, was a regular guest on a US-based atheist webcast, and has been a contributing writer to The Australian Atheist. His book Manifest Insanity is an entertaining, informative, and thoroughly irreverent summary of the history of Judeo-Christian doctrines and was the first e-book to be listed by the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science. He was an invited speaker to the Philippine Atheist Society "Reason & Humanism" conference in May 2015, and most recently, at the Asian Humanism Conference in Taipei. Jason is known to his fans by his pen-name, Diogenes of Mayberry.
報名:[email protected]
查詢:華馬克:6898 8406(英語)
作家和業餘歷史學家傑森.西爾維斯特一直是Time Out Hong Kong並《澳洲無神論者》雜誌的專欄作家,亦是一個美國無神論者網絡直播的常客。他的書《瘋狂之彰顯》是知識性與娛樂性兼備的猶太教和基督教教義歷史總結,極盡揶揄之能是,也是理查德.道金斯理性和科學基金會的首本上架電子書。傑森的網上筆名是Diogenes of Mayberry。他曾獲邀於上年五月菲律賓無神論學會主辦的「理性與人文主義」會議和最近於台北舉行的亞洲人文主義大會上演講。
Mythology of Christmas
Organizer: Humanist Group of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong
Time: 2:30pm-4pm
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mongkok Rd
Speaker: Jason Sylvester
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc: 6898 8406
A brief background on the origins of Christmas, and how it has evolved into what we know today. Jason will not just talk about where the symbols like the Christmas tree come from, but go all the way back to the beginning, on why Christians think Jesus is God, and how/where things have spun out of control.
Writer and amateur historian Jason Sylvester has been a featured author in Time Out Hong Kong, was a regular guest on a US-based atheist webcast, and has been a contributing writer to The Australian Atheist. His book Manifest Insanity is an entertaining, informative, and thoroughly irreverent summary of the history of Judeo-Christian doctrines and was the first e-book to be listed by the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science. He was an invited speaker to the Philippine Atheist Society "Reason & Humanism" conference in May 2015, and most recently, at the Asian Humanism Conference in Taipei. Jason is known to his fans by his pen-name, Diogenes of Mayberry.
報名:[email protected]
查詢:華馬克:6898 8406(英語)
作家和業餘歷史學家傑森.西爾維斯特一直是Time Out Hong Kong並《澳洲無神論者》雜誌的專欄作家,亦是一個美國無神論者網絡直播的常客。他的書《瘋狂之彰顯》是知識性與娛樂性兼備的猶太教和基督教教義歷史總結,極盡揶揄之能是,也是理查德.道金斯理性和科學基金會的首本上架電子書。傑森的網上筆名是Diogenes of Mayberry。他曾獲邀於上年五月菲律賓無神論學會主辦的「理性與人文主義」會議和最近於台北舉行的亞洲人文主義大會上演講。
5 Nov 2016 (Sat)
UUHK event
Visit to Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir (Temple)
Meeting time: 10:45am
Meeting place: Tsimshatsui MTR exit C
Time: 11am to 12noon
Place: Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir, 7/F, Minden Hse, 13-15 Minden Ave, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
11:00-11:20 Introduction
11:20-11:40 Guided tour
11:40-12:00 Q&A
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc: 6898 8406
About Sai Baba of Shirdi:
11:00-11:20 簡介舍地賽巴巴信仰
11:20-11:40 導遊舍地賽巴巴神廟
11:40-12:00 問答時段
報名:[email protected]
Visit to Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir (Temple)
Meeting time: 10:45am
Meeting place: Tsimshatsui MTR exit C
Time: 11am to 12noon
Place: Shirdi Sai Baba Mandir, 7/F, Minden Hse, 13-15 Minden Ave, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
11:00-11:20 Introduction
11:20-11:40 Guided tour
11:40-12:00 Q&A
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc: 6898 8406
About Sai Baba of Shirdi:
11:00-11:20 簡介舍地賽巴巴信仰
11:20-11:40 導遊舍地賽巴巴神廟
11:40-12:00 問答時段
報名:[email protected]
6 Oct 2016 (Thu)
Progressive Christian Fellowship of UUHK goes to (Marc: [email protected], 6898 8406):
17 Sep 2016 (Sat)
The Coup Attempt and Current Human Rights Issues in Turkey
Organizer: International Association for Religious Freedom (Hong Kong Chapter) (IARFHK)
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mongkok Rd, Kowloon
Speaker: Mr Salih Tinmaz, Executive Director, Pearl Institute, Hong Kong
Language: English
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc Wathen (Director, IARFHK): 6898 8406
Although the military coup has failed (or was "planned to fail" from the start), Erdogan regime's purge has become the largest political cleansing in modern Turkish history. Some 80,000 civil servants, judges, police and academics have been removed from their posts. Over 40,000 have been detained. Dozens of media houses have been forced to close down. The government has set itself on a dangerous course backward to the dark days of mass repression, torture and arbitrary detention.
Salih is a PhD candidate at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University and is working on issues of anti-terrorism, NGO, and Turkish-Chinese relations. He is one of the two writers of the first Chinese-Turkish dictionary in the world. He has attended many international conferences and TV programs on related issues.
講員:薩利赫 · 唐馬思(香港珍珠學會執行主席)
報名:[email protected]
查詢:華馬克:6898 8406(英語)
The Coup Attempt and Current Human Rights Issues in Turkey
Organizer: International Association for Religious Freedom (Hong Kong Chapter) (IARFHK)
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mongkok Rd, Kowloon
Speaker: Mr Salih Tinmaz, Executive Director, Pearl Institute, Hong Kong
Language: English
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc Wathen (Director, IARFHK): 6898 8406
Although the military coup has failed (or was "planned to fail" from the start), Erdogan regime's purge has become the largest political cleansing in modern Turkish history. Some 80,000 civil servants, judges, police and academics have been removed from their posts. Over 40,000 have been detained. Dozens of media houses have been forced to close down. The government has set itself on a dangerous course backward to the dark days of mass repression, torture and arbitrary detention.
Salih is a PhD candidate at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University and is working on issues of anti-terrorism, NGO, and Turkish-Chinese relations. He is one of the two writers of the first Chinese-Turkish dictionary in the world. He has attended many international conferences and TV programs on related issues.
講員:薩利赫 · 唐馬思(香港珍珠學會執行主席)
報名:[email protected]
查詢:華馬克:6898 8406(英語)
3 Sep 2016 (Sat)
UUHK Buddhist Sangha Talk
“Dunhuang murals and the digitization project”
Organizer: Buddhist Sangha of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK)
Speaker: Jimmy Lo, Vice Chairman, Friends of Dunhuang (Hong Kong)
Time: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute (HKCI), 10/F, 11 Mongkok Road, Mongkok
Language: English supplemented with Cantonese
Dunhuang was an oasis in north-western China about 2000 years ago. This was the most western city before ancient traders left China to travel west through the desert to Rome. Murals were carved in the caves here by these traders since the 5th century as an offering to Buddha to protect them against various hostilities during their 3 years' journey. After more than 1600 years, the murals inside the caves of this UNESCO site are deteriorating because of weathering. Five years ago, the Chinese government stipulated as a national project to use high-resolution photography to make a digital record of the murals and statues of about 150 cave parts of the 480+ caves. Thus a permanent record of these priceless cultural heritage can be maintained and research can be done on these murals.
“Dunhuang murals and the digitization project”
Organizer: Buddhist Sangha of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK)
Speaker: Jimmy Lo, Vice Chairman, Friends of Dunhuang (Hong Kong)
Time: 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute (HKCI), 10/F, 11 Mongkok Road, Mongkok
Language: English supplemented with Cantonese
Dunhuang was an oasis in north-western China about 2000 years ago. This was the most western city before ancient traders left China to travel west through the desert to Rome. Murals were carved in the caves here by these traders since the 5th century as an offering to Buddha to protect them against various hostilities during their 3 years' journey. After more than 1600 years, the murals inside the caves of this UNESCO site are deteriorating because of weathering. Five years ago, the Chinese government stipulated as a national project to use high-resolution photography to make a digital record of the murals and statues of about 150 cave parts of the 480+ caves. Thus a permanent record of these priceless cultural heritage can be maintained and research can be done on these murals.
7 Aug 2016 (Sun)
UUHK joins (Marc: [email protected], 6898 8406):
Hong Kong Sacred Spaces Spiritual Roundtable: World Religions Series
Organizer: Hong Kong Sacred Spaces
11:45 Gather at MTR Wan Chai Station, Exit B2
12:00 Start event at Ammar Mosque (40 Oi Kwan Rd, Wanchai)
12:30-13:30 Brief introduction to the Islamic faith and visit the noon worship
13:30-14:30 Lunch at the Islamic restaurant
14:30-16:00 Talk on the Qur'an with recitation in Arabic, and Q&A session
Language: English with Chinese when needed
Of all the many stereotypes of Hong Kong, religiously diversified city is usually not one of them. Yet week in and week out Sacred Spaces visits neighborhoods in Hong Kong where many world religions from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent has a stake in here and thrives.
The Hong Kong Sacred Spaces Spiritual Roundtable Forum is returning with a series that I'm hoping will help us to broaden our understanding of some of the world religions that call Hong Kong home. Taken from a purely educational perspective, the Spiritual Roundtable series is designed to be a place where people can discuss ideas of religion and spirituality in a safe environment. We will continue the series to include all the major religions here in HK but the first in our series is the often misunderstood faith of Islam.
We will be traveling to the Wan Chai Islamic Centre and Ammar Mosque to talk with Imam Suliman Wong and staff about the Islamic faith, the Qur'an as well as any other aspects that we wish to explore. In addition, we will also have an opportunity to witness an early afternoon prayer service. Please don't miss this wonderful opportunity to meet with your neighbors and learn more about them.
Hong Kong Sacred Spaces Spiritual Roundtable: World Religions Series
Organizer: Hong Kong Sacred Spaces
11:45 Gather at MTR Wan Chai Station, Exit B2
12:00 Start event at Ammar Mosque (40 Oi Kwan Rd, Wanchai)
12:30-13:30 Brief introduction to the Islamic faith and visit the noon worship
13:30-14:30 Lunch at the Islamic restaurant
14:30-16:00 Talk on the Qur'an with recitation in Arabic, and Q&A session
Language: English with Chinese when needed
Of all the many stereotypes of Hong Kong, religiously diversified city is usually not one of them. Yet week in and week out Sacred Spaces visits neighborhoods in Hong Kong where many world religions from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent has a stake in here and thrives.
The Hong Kong Sacred Spaces Spiritual Roundtable Forum is returning with a series that I'm hoping will help us to broaden our understanding of some of the world religions that call Hong Kong home. Taken from a purely educational perspective, the Spiritual Roundtable series is designed to be a place where people can discuss ideas of religion and spirituality in a safe environment. We will continue the series to include all the major religions here in HK but the first in our series is the often misunderstood faith of Islam.
We will be traveling to the Wan Chai Islamic Centre and Ammar Mosque to talk with Imam Suliman Wong and staff about the Islamic faith, the Qur'an as well as any other aspects that we wish to explore. In addition, we will also have an opportunity to witness an early afternoon prayer service. Please don't miss this wonderful opportunity to meet with your neighbors and learn more about them.
24 Jun 2016 (Fri)
Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK)
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Time: 6:30pm - 9pm
Venue: Sangeetha (Indian) Vegetarian Restaurant, UG1-5, Wing On Plaza, 62 Mody Rd, TST (MTR East Tsimshatsui Station exit P1)
RSVP: [email protected]
須報名:[email protected]
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Time: 6:30pm - 9pm
Venue: Sangeetha (Indian) Vegetarian Restaurant, UG1-5, Wing On Plaza, 62 Mody Rd, TST (MTR East Tsimshatsui Station exit P1)
RSVP: [email protected]
須報名:[email protected]
10 Jun 2016 (Fri)
UUHK joins Ramadan Dinner (Muslim) 穆斯林齋月晚餐
Organizer: Pearl Institute
Place: Islamic Union, 6/F, 40 Oi Kwan Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Time: 6:45pm-9:15pm
RSVP 須報名: Marc: [email protected] or 6898 8406
Organizer: Pearl Institute
Place: Islamic Union, 6/F, 40 Oi Kwan Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Time: 6:45pm-9:15pm
RSVP 須報名: Marc: [email protected] or 6898 8406
8 May 2016 (Sun)
A Better Life: a film on exploration of joy & meaning by atheists
Screening & discussion with filmmaker Chris Johnson
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Venue: Kowloon Union Church, 4 Jordan Rd, Kowloon (Jordan MTR exit B2)
Organizer: Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong
Language: English (with Chinese subtitle)
Fee: HK$40 (suggested donation for airfare of filmmaker)
Registration/enquiry: [email protected] or 6898 8406 (Mr Marc)
Atheists believe in no God. Now what? If this is the only life we have, how does that affect how we live our lives, how we treat each other, and cope with death. Join photographer and filmmaker Chris Johnson as he explores issues of joy & meaning and travels around the globe meeting people from all walks of life and backgrounds who challenge the false stereotypes of atheists as immoral and evil. From Daniel Dennett and AC Grayling, to Julia Sweeney and Robert Llewellyn, learn the various ways many atheists have left religion to a better life filled with love, compassion, hope, and wonder!
報名/查詢:[email protected] 或 6898 8406(Marc,英語)
無神論者不相信有上帝。下一步呢?如果只有今生,那麼我們應怎樣過這一生丶待人丶和面對死亡?攝影師和電影製片人Chris Johnson展開探索喜悅與意義之旅程,踏遍全球,走訪各界廣泛背景的人;他們挑戰了無神論者乃不道德和邪惡的假定型。從Daniel Dennett和AC Grayling,到Julia Sweeney和Robert Llewellyn,讓我們來看無神論者如何以各種方式離開宗教,進入充滿愛丶同情心丶希望丶和奇妙的美好人生!
Screening & discussion with filmmaker Chris Johnson
Time: 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Venue: Kowloon Union Church, 4 Jordan Rd, Kowloon (Jordan MTR exit B2)
Organizer: Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong
Language: English (with Chinese subtitle)
Fee: HK$40 (suggested donation for airfare of filmmaker)
Registration/enquiry: [email protected] or 6898 8406 (Mr Marc)
Atheists believe in no God. Now what? If this is the only life we have, how does that affect how we live our lives, how we treat each other, and cope with death. Join photographer and filmmaker Chris Johnson as he explores issues of joy & meaning and travels around the globe meeting people from all walks of life and backgrounds who challenge the false stereotypes of atheists as immoral and evil. From Daniel Dennett and AC Grayling, to Julia Sweeney and Robert Llewellyn, learn the various ways many atheists have left religion to a better life filled with love, compassion, hope, and wonder!
報名/查詢:[email protected] 或 6898 8406(Marc,英語)
無神論者不相信有上帝。下一步呢?如果只有今生,那麼我們應怎樣過這一生丶待人丶和面對死亡?攝影師和電影製片人Chris Johnson展開探索喜悅與意義之旅程,踏遍全球,走訪各界廣泛背景的人;他們挑戰了無神論者乃不道德和邪惡的假定型。從Daniel Dennett和AC Grayling,到Julia Sweeney和Robert Llewellyn,讓我們來看無神論者如何以各種方式離開宗教,進入充滿愛丶同情心丶希望丶和奇妙的美好人生!
16 Apr 2016 (Sat)
報名:[email protected]
查詢:6898 8406(Marc, 英語)
UUHK Earth Day outing: Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve
Meeting time: 2pm
Meeting place: Tai Po Market MTR Station (then take taxi)
Fee: HK$20 entrance fee
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc: 6898 8406
SCMP covers Fung Yuen 《南華早報》報導鳳園
報名:[email protected]
查詢:6898 8406(Marc, 英語)
UUHK Earth Day outing: Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve
Meeting time: 2pm
Meeting place: Tai Po Market MTR Station (then take taxi)
Fee: HK$20 entrance fee
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc: 6898 8406
SCMP covers Fung Yuen 《南華早報》報導鳳園
5 Mar 2016 (Sat)
UUHK Humanist Group Talk:
The history of beliefs in Heaven, Hell & the Afterlife
Organizer: Humanist Group of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mongkok Rd
Speaker: Jason Sylvester
Language: English
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc: 6898 8406
People have a tendency to think that the core dogmatic beliefs--particularly their own contemporary, denominational understandings--are unchanging and that these beliefs were encoded into their tradition from the beginning. This is not the case. Especially for Judaism, which has undergone several, major theological shifts since its origins millennia ago; changes which have shaped and influenced later Christianity, and Islam, even while these beliefs were going out of fashion among Jews.
Jason will take us on a fascinating historical journey, illuminating the transitions in Jewish thinking about heaven, hell, and afterlife: from the days of budding monotheism, through the Babylonian conquest which exposed the exiled priests to Zoroastrian dualism, to the Maccabean Revolt and the sense of impending annihilation that sparked an explosion in apocalyptic thinking, preachers, and writings; culminating in the rise of Christianity, its doctrine of terror, and the influence of these beliefs on later Mohammad.
Writer and amateur historian Jason Sylvester has been a featured author in Time Out Hong Kong, was a regular guest on a US-based atheist webcast, and has been a contributing writer to The Australian Atheist. His book Manifest Insanity is an entertaining, informative, and thoroughly irreverent summary of the history of Judeo-Christian doctrines and was the first e-book to be listed by the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science. He was an invited speaker to the Philippine Atheist Society "Reason & Humanism" conference in May 2015, along with the popular US speaker David G McAfee. Jason is known to his fans by his pen-name, Diogenes of Mayberry.
報名:[email protected]
查詢:華馬克:6898 8406(英語)
作家和業餘歷史學家傑森.西爾維斯特一直是Time Out Hong Kong並《澳洲無神論者》雜誌的專欄作家,亦是一個美國無神論者網絡直播的常客。他的書《瘋狂之彰顯》是知識性與娛樂性兼備的猶太教和基督教教義歷史總結,極盡揶揄之能是,也是理查德.道金斯理性和科學基金會的首本上架電子書。傑森的網上筆名是Diogenes of Mayberry。他曾獲邀與美國著名作家大衛.邁克菲一同出席上年五月菲律賓無神論學會主辦的「理性與人文主義」會議。
The history of beliefs in Heaven, Hell & the Afterlife
Organizer: Humanist Group of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mongkok Rd
Speaker: Jason Sylvester
Language: English
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc: 6898 8406
People have a tendency to think that the core dogmatic beliefs--particularly their own contemporary, denominational understandings--are unchanging and that these beliefs were encoded into their tradition from the beginning. This is not the case. Especially for Judaism, which has undergone several, major theological shifts since its origins millennia ago; changes which have shaped and influenced later Christianity, and Islam, even while these beliefs were going out of fashion among Jews.
Jason will take us on a fascinating historical journey, illuminating the transitions in Jewish thinking about heaven, hell, and afterlife: from the days of budding monotheism, through the Babylonian conquest which exposed the exiled priests to Zoroastrian dualism, to the Maccabean Revolt and the sense of impending annihilation that sparked an explosion in apocalyptic thinking, preachers, and writings; culminating in the rise of Christianity, its doctrine of terror, and the influence of these beliefs on later Mohammad.
Writer and amateur historian Jason Sylvester has been a featured author in Time Out Hong Kong, was a regular guest on a US-based atheist webcast, and has been a contributing writer to The Australian Atheist. His book Manifest Insanity is an entertaining, informative, and thoroughly irreverent summary of the history of Judeo-Christian doctrines and was the first e-book to be listed by the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science. He was an invited speaker to the Philippine Atheist Society "Reason & Humanism" conference in May 2015, along with the popular US speaker David G McAfee. Jason is known to his fans by his pen-name, Diogenes of Mayberry.
報名:[email protected]
查詢:華馬克:6898 8406(英語)
作家和業餘歷史學家傑森.西爾維斯特一直是Time Out Hong Kong並《澳洲無神論者》雜誌的專欄作家,亦是一個美國無神論者網絡直播的常客。他的書《瘋狂之彰顯》是知識性與娛樂性兼備的猶太教和基督教教義歷史總結,極盡揶揄之能是,也是理查德.道金斯理性和科學基金會的首本上架電子書。傑森的網上筆名是Diogenes of Mayberry。他曾獲邀與美國著名作家大衛.邁克菲一同出席上年五月菲律賓無神論學會主辦的「理性與人文主義」會議。
29 Jan 2016 (Fri)
Progressive Christian Fellowship of UUHK joins (Marc: [email protected], 6898 8406):
Francis of Assisi and Killed Friars in Morocco
Time: 7-9pm
Place: 909 CCWu Bldg, 302-308 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai
Presented by: Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue Centre
Details: here
Francis of Assisi and Killed Friars in Morocco
Time: 7-9pm
Place: 909 CCWu Bldg, 302-308 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai
Presented by: Anatolia Cultural and Dialogue Centre
Details: here
23 Jan 2016 (Sat)
IARFHK Talk: Sikhism as Pioneer of Right of Religious Freedom
Organizer: International Association for Religious Freedom (Hong Kong Chapter) (IARFHK)
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mongkok Rd, Kowloon
Speaker: Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri, Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) Hong Kong
Language: English
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc Wathen (Director, IARFHK): 6898 8406
Gurmel will talk about how Sikhism believes in religious freedom, tolerance and welfare for all. He will share some practical and historical events of Sikhism about freedom of religion, and the present situation of Sikhism in India.
Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri has been working as Manager/Religious Instructor of Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) Hong Kong since 2009. He has been taking part in interfaith programmes in Hong Kong and abroad, delivering lectures for Sikh studies at HKU and CUHK, and has taught a short course of Sikh studies at CUHK. Holding an M.A. in Sikh Studies, his first job was Assistant Research Scholar in Sikh History Research Board, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, India. He has shared the basic tenets of Sikhism to some 25,000 local and international students and visitors during his time in Hong Kong.
講員:Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri(香港錫克廟)
報名:[email protected]
查詢:華馬克:6898 8406(英語)
Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri 2009年起出任香港錫克廟的經理暨宗教導師。他一直參與香港和海外的跨宗教項目,並在香港大學和中文大學作有關錫克教的演講,亦曾於中大教授關於錫克教的短期課程。他是錫克教研究文學碩士,第一份工作是在印度SGPC作錫克教歷史的助理研究學者。在港期間,他曾向約25,000名學生和訪客解釋錫克教的基本信仰原則。
Organizer: International Association for Religious Freedom (Hong Kong Chapter) (IARFHK)
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm
Place: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 10/F, 11 Mongkok Rd, Kowloon
Speaker: Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri, Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) Hong Kong
Language: English
Registration: [email protected]
Enquiry: Marc Wathen (Director, IARFHK): 6898 8406
Gurmel will talk about how Sikhism believes in religious freedom, tolerance and welfare for all. He will share some practical and historical events of Sikhism about freedom of religion, and the present situation of Sikhism in India.
Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri has been working as Manager/Religious Instructor of Khalsa Diwan (Sikh Temple) Hong Kong since 2009. He has been taking part in interfaith programmes in Hong Kong and abroad, delivering lectures for Sikh studies at HKU and CUHK, and has taught a short course of Sikh studies at CUHK. Holding an M.A. in Sikh Studies, his first job was Assistant Research Scholar in Sikh History Research Board, Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, India. He has shared the basic tenets of Sikhism to some 25,000 local and international students and visitors during his time in Hong Kong.
講員:Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri(香港錫克廟)
報名:[email protected]
查詢:華馬克:6898 8406(英語)
Gurmel Singh Niamatpuri 2009年起出任香港錫克廟的經理暨宗教導師。他一直參與香港和海外的跨宗教項目,並在香港大學和中文大學作有關錫克教的演講,亦曾於中大教授關於錫克教的短期課程。他是錫克教研究文學碩士,第一份工作是在印度SGPC作錫克教歷史的助理研究學者。在港期間,他曾向約25,000名學生和訪客解釋錫克教的基本信仰原則。
14 Jan 2016 (Thu)
Humanist Group joins (Marc: [email protected], 6898 8406):
Imaging Heaven and Hell: Social Origins and Impacts of Afterlife Imagery
An anthropological talk by Graeme LANG
Time: 7pm
Place: Hong Kong Museum of History, Lecture Hall, G/F, 100 Chatham Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui
Presented by: Hong Kong Anthropological Society & Hong Kong Museum of History
Details: here
Imaging Heaven and Hell: Social Origins and Impacts of Afterlife Imagery
An anthropological talk by Graeme LANG
Time: 7pm
Place: Hong Kong Museum of History, Lecture Hall, G/F, 100 Chatham Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui
Presented by: Hong Kong Anthropological Society & Hong Kong Museum of History
Details: here