About Us 關於我們
What is Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong?
Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong (UUHK) is the first Unitarian Universalist community in Hong Kong. We consist of Chinese and non-Chinese members. Our activities are often bi-lingual in English and Cantonese. UUHK currently has three sub-groups: Buddhist Sangha, Humanist Group, and Progressive Christian Fellowship (PCF). UUHK is a charitable institution registered with the Inland Revenue Department of Hong Kong. |
尋道會是香港的第一個 UU 群體。我們的會員包括華人及非華人;我們的活動多以雙語—英語及廣東話—進行。尋道會目前有三個小組:佛教共修、人文組、及進思基督徒團契。尋道會是香港稅務局註冊慈善機構。 |
Mission statement of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong is a sharing, nurturing, and caring community which promotes spiritual growth and development along with intellectual freedom. We provide an atmosphere of acceptance of one another while seeking to understand ourselves and our universe. We foster an ethical basis for living and celebrate in life's diversity. We reaffirm our respect for others which empowers us to act on our beliefs to improve our community and relieve social injustice. |
尋道會的使命宣言 尋道會是一個互相分享、培育、關懷的群體。她鼓勵靈性的成長及求知自由。我們提供互相接納的環境幫助會員尋找對自我及宇宙的理解。 我們培養生活的道德基礎及讚嘆生命的多元性。我們肯定對他人的尊重;此尊重驅使我們基於我們的信念以行動改善我們的社區及減輕社會的不公義。 |
What is Unitarian Universalism?
Unitarian Universalism (UU) originates from liberal Christianity, an open-minded form of Christianity taking seriously the criticisms on traditional doctrines and the Bible by modern thoughts and science, and also appreciating other religions. Subsequently, with increasing inclusiveness towards world's religions and humanism, UU has evolved into a liberal religion, welcoming members of all faiths, as well as non-believers. According to a 2005 survey,* about half of the more than 200 000 adherents of the Unitarian Universalist Association in USA identified themselves as humanists, one-third called themselves agnostics, 18% are atheists, 17% Buddhists, Christians 13%. *Casebolt and Niekro, Some UUs Are More U than U: Theological Self-Descriptors Chosen by Unitarian Universalists, Review of Religious Research, Vol 46 No 3 (Mar 2005), pp235-242 |
甚麼是 Unitarian Universalism?
Unitarian Universalism (UU) 源出於基督宗教中的自由派,即基督宗教中思想較開明的一派,接納現代哲學思潮及科學發現對傳統教義及《聖經》的批判,肯定其他世界宗教的價值及地位。由於對世界宗教及人文主義的包容度不斷增加,UU 現已成為一個開明宗教,包容及歡迎任何信仰(或無信仰)人士參與。根據一項零五年的統計,在美國 UU 協會的廿多萬名會員中,有接近一半自稱人文主義者、三分一是不可知論者、18% 是無神論者、佛教徒佔 17% 、基督徒 13%。 |