Humanist Group 人文組
Humanist Group of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong |
尋道會人文組 |
Mission statement
The Humanist Group of Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong affirms and promotes Humanism. In addition to Humanists, our group is also open to Agnostics, Atheists, Brights, Freethinkers, Irreligionists, Naturalists, Nontheists, Rationalists, Secularists, Skeptics, or anyone who forms and revises a worldview based on experience, evidence, reason, and a naturalistic approach. |
尋道會人文組確認並且推廣人文主義。我們歡迎任何以經驗、證據、理性、及自然主義進路,建構及修訂世界觀的人士加入。例如人文主義者、不可知論者、無神論者、自由思想者、非宗教者、自然主義者、非神論者、理性主義者、世俗主義者、懷疑論者等等。 |
What is Humanism?
Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality. The Minimum Statement on Humanism, Humanists International |
人文主義是一個民主而道德的人生立場。它確認人類有權利和責任去決定自己的人生意義與生活方式。人文主義提倡以理性與自由求問之精神,用人的能力,透過人本及自然價值的倫理,建設一個更人道的社會。人文主義並不是有神論的,也不接納超自然的真理觀。 譯自人文主義者國際之「人文主義最小宣言」 |
Our principles
1 Our approach is rational, evidence-based, and naturalistic (we have not seen enough evidence that can compel us to accept the existence of the supernatural); 2 We are inclusive in the sense that we do not turn away others based on their personal belief or ideology, as long as they are willing to engage in a rational, logical and evidence-based dialogue for the pursuit of a better understanding; 3 We are open to change as long as there are valid arguments with supporting evidence provided. |
1 我們的進路是理性的、以證據為基礎、及自然主義的(我們暫時未見充份證據支持超自然之存在); 2 我們是包容的,不會基於個人信念或思想而排拒人,只要他們願意以理性、邏輯、基於證據的對話達至更佳的理解; 3 在有充份證據支持的確當論證下,我們願意修正觀點。 |
Virginia Yue |
虞瑋倩 |
We recommend these organizations 我們推薦以下機構
Humanist organizations 人文主義機構 :
UU Humanist Association
Humanists International
British Humanist Association
American Humanist Association
American Ethical Union
Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard & MIT
台灣人文主義工坊 Taiwan Humanism Studio
Naturalist organizations 自然主義機構 :
Unitarian Universalist Religious Naturalists
Religious Naturalist Association
Spiritual Naturalist Society
Center for Naturalism
The Brights
Atheist organizations 無神論機構 :
Atheist Alliance International
American Atheists
Center for Inquiry
Freedom From Religion Foundation