![]() In an age when science is regarded as the best method to learn about reality, the most suitable comprehensive approach to life (i.e., religious stance) is the one which is based on Nature as understood by science. That is Religious Naturalism. The following Minimal Statement defines Religious Naturalism for us. More on Religious Naturalism: Religious Naturalism: www.religiousnaturalism.org Religious Naturalism blog: www.sacredriver.org (see "Spiritual Practice" for real-life practice) UU Religious Naturalists: www.uurn.org Minimal Statement on Religious Naturalism Religious Naturalism is a spiritual and philosophical orientation arising from profound responses to the wonder and mystery of Nature and its emergent manifestations in human creativity and culture. Its views of Nature are embodied in the Epic of Evolution and informed by scientific inquiry, without reference to supernatural explanations. It emphasizes reverence and gratitude for Nature and a deep regard for all life; it recognizes the imperative of planetary sustainability. It supports efforts that honor ecological and cultural diversity, that promote social justice and free inquiry, and that create a more compassionate, rational world where humans and non-humans alike can thrive. www.rnstatement.com 在這個時代,科學被認為是尋找真相的最佳方法。於是,最適切這個時代的人生哲學(宗教),便須建基於以科學認知的大自然。它就是「宗教自然主義」。以下的「宗教自然主義的最小聲明」定義何謂「宗教自然主義」。 宗教自然主義相關資源(英語): 宗教自然主義網: www.religiousnaturalism.org 宗教自然主義博客: www.sacredriver.org (關於實修,可閱 "Spiritual Practice" 頁) UU 宗教自然主義者: www.uurn.org 宗教自然主義的最小聲明 宗教自然主義是一種靈性上及哲學上的方針。它產生自深刻地回應大自然的奇妙與神秘,及其呈現之人類創造力及文化。它對大自然的理解源自科學研究,體現在「進化之史詩」之中,而並不參考超自然的解釋。它強調對大自然的崇敬與感恩,和對所有生命的尊重。它確認必須維持地球的可持續性。它支持以下的努力:尊重生態和文化之多樣性,促進社會正義和自由探索,創造一個更慈悲及更合理的世界致使人類和眾生都能夠蓬勃發展。 (譯自 www.rnstatement.com )
February 2022
AuthorAlex from UUHK |