SafeHouse 心靈休息室
The SafeHouse is a service provided by Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong. The SafeHouse is a place for people of different faiths to share and support each other. Our goal is to build a mutual support group with mission. In the group, people who are doubting their religions and people in transitions of religions will receive unconditional acceptance, care, support, and basic counselling service. The group has the mission to bring these to other people having similar experiences. This service is provided free of charge by Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong's qualified counsellor. |
「心靈休息室」是尋道會一項服務。「心靈休息室」是一個讓來自不同信仰的人士分享及互相支持的天地。我們的目標是建立一個具有使命的互助支援小組,讓正在經歷任何個人信仰懷疑或轉變的組員在一個安全的環境下得到無條件接納、愛護、支援及基本輔導服務,再將其帶給其他同樣經歷信仰轉變的人士。這項服務由尋道會專業輔導人員免費提供。 |
This service does not promote any religion or encourage leaving any religion. This service respects participants' doubts of and decisions to change any religion; this service aims to build a support group for those who are skeptical to or are changing religions, and to provide counselling of clarification. |
本服務不會鼓勵參加者離開任何宗教,亦不宣傳任何宗教。 本服務尊重參加者對任何宗教的懷疑及作出任何改變宗教信仰的決定;本服務著重建立一個宗教懷疑及改變者的互助小組,及對該等懷疑及改變作釐清梳理式輔導。 |
Participants shall try to attend all activities. Participants shall not preach or promote any religion. Participants shall not sell any products or services. Participants shall not have money dealings or loan activities with other participants. Participants shall keep confidential sharings of other participants. Participants shall respect other paticipants' adherence to or lack of religious faiths, and shall not try to convince others of their own beliefs. |
參加者請儘量出席所有活動。 參加者不可進行傳教活動。 參加者不可進行推銷或傳銷活動。 參加者間請勿作金錢交易或借貸。 參加者必須替其他參加者分享的個人內容保密。 無論其他人是否信奉任何信仰,參加者均應尊重,不應企圖說服他人接受自己的信念。 |