News 新消息
26 Feb 2013
19 (including 9 from Hong Kong) killed as a hot air balloon explodes in Egypt. CNN reports. UUHK wishes to express her sincere condolences to Hong Kong
1 Oct 12
Dozens dead after passenger vessels collide off Hong Kong! CNN reports. UUHK mourns with Hong Kong
1 Dec 11
UUHK is formally recognized by the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU) as an Emerging Group
28 Jul 11
20 Mar 11
UUA/UUSC 日本救援基金
11 Jan 10
UUHK and the Community UU Church of Plano, Texas, become Partner Churches, thanks to the UU Partner Church Council
尋道會與美國德州 Plano UU 社區教會結成「伙伴教會」
5 Dec 09
UUHK members speak at LegCo regarding the "Consultation Document on Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive and for Forming the Legislative Council in 2012," urging realization of the rights of universal suffrage as stipulated by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) article 25 and the Basic Law article 45
Agenda 議程 (deputation 團體 7)
19 Nov 09
UUHK speaks at the Legislative Council (LegCo) regarding the future of RTHK to urge ensuring independence of the public service broadcaster from government political interference
Agenda 議程 (deputation 團體 15)
7 Oct 09
UUHK speaks at the Legislative Council (LegCo) regarding Minimum Wage Bill to urge inclusion of domestic helpers based on the principle of non-discrimination, and consideration of legislation on maximum working hours
Agenda 議程 (deputation 團體 63)
30 Jul 09
UUHK speaks at the Legislative Council (LegCo) regarding Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill 2009
尋道會就《2009 年家庭暴力(修訂)條例草案》向立法會發表意見
Agenda 議程 (deputation 團體 9)
8 May 09
Special General Meeting tonight passed changing our English name from "Spiritual Seekers Society" (SSS) to "Unitarian Universalists Hong Kong" (UUHK)